Archive | September, 2013

Getting Into the Groove

30 Sep

Suddenly I turned around and nine months of 2013 is over.  I really have no good reason for my blogging hiatus, except that life can just get away from you.  I’m very grateful that nothing drastic has happened during this time.  No life-threatening illnesses, catastrophic events involving family or friends, or job losses.  Stuff just happens.


There was a three-month period where I was dividing my time between two jobs, so that added up to about 70 hours a week there.  Even though those were sleep-deprived weeks, extra income is always nice.  I average about 45 hours per week at my primary job anyway.

My boyfriend (hereinafter referred to as “Cute Geek Boy,” or “CGB,”) moved in with me at the start of 2013.  As the last time I lived with someone was seven years ago, there was a combination period of adjustment and nesting too.  And sometimes you just want to come home, couch, and see what’s been piling up in your TiVo.

I certainly realize that I’m not the only busy person in the world, but I’m resolving to get back into the blogging swing of things.  Time to look forward and find my rhythm…

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